First Lady of the United States Jill Biden reiterated her and President Joe Biden’s support for working people at the CFL’s annual Labor Day Reception at McCormick Place on August 30.
CFL President Bob Reiter introduced the First Lady at the event, touting her lifelong support for working people.
“Dr. Jill Biden has long been a great friend and ally of working people, and a member of the National Education Association,” Reiter said. “She may be the First Lady, but she’s a rank-and-file union member too.”
Dr. Biden spoke about her middle class upbringing, and the White House’s commitment to supporting unions and increasing accessibility to more good paying jobs.
“President Biden and I understand the middle class because we’re from the middle class. And unions—you—built the middle class. And that’s why Joe is fighting for unions, so workers can fight for what they need: Better pay. Safer working conditions. Flexibility and healthcare. That way, when they step onto the construction site or into the classroom or fire station, they can do their best work for their communities.”
You can find a link the First Lady Biden’s full remarks at